
True Lavender Essential Oil

The essential

I always refer to it as “the one”, because I love how versatile it is. If you have only one essential oil in your “first aid kit”, this should be it. Its uses are manifold.

The plant distilled to produce this amazing oil is known as True Lavender (a.k.a. Fine Lavender or English Lavender). 

Its botanical name is Lavendula angustifolia. The ‘angustifolia’ stands for “narrow leaf.” True Lavender is cultivated (or grows wild) between 400 to 2000 m above sea level.

Photo blog True Lavender

1. Production of True Lavender oil

2. Composition of the True Lavender essential oil

3. How to use the purple-flower oil?

3.1 Diffusion of True Lavender

3.2 Lavender oil topically

3.3 In massage for relaxation

4. Conclusion

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1. Production of True Lavender oil

You need around 2500 kg of what are called “summities” (the top of the plant, including flowers and top of the stems) to produce c. 25 kg of essential oil. 


Obviously, the process of producing essential oil of True Lavender requires a lot of raw material!

Picture of Lavender field from Pixabay.com
Lavender field from Pixabay.com

2. Composition of the True Lavender essential oil

When you analyze the composition of the essential oil of Lavender, you will find more than 400 different components (some people even estimate over 1600). 


These high figures of different components are the real reason behind the versatility of this oil.


Here is a visual representation of the composition of essential oil of Fine lavender. 

Photo of Chemical analyse of True Lavender from Dropsmith.com
Chemical analyse of True Lavender from Dropsmith.com

In this chart, each color represents one family of components. For example, the red segment corresponds to the alcohol family (including mainly linalool).


In purple, you have the ester family (which is mainly constituted of linalyl acetate). 

The oxide family is represented in orange in which 1.8 cineole (I have already spoken about this molecule in a previous article) is the principal molecule.


A normal essential oil of True Lavender is composed of 

  • 26-40% of linalyl acetate,
  • 25-36% of linalol

These two molecules give the main properties of this oil.


But, don’t worry! I won’t go deeper into the chemistry of the essential oil here. I just want to illustrate the differences between lavender oils.

3. How to use purple-flower oil?

So, you said it was versatile, but how should I use this essential oil?

3.1 Diffusion of True Lavender

One of the easiest and most effective uses is diffusion. The easiest way to start diffusing is by putting one or two drops on a Kleenex that you put under a pillow or on the night table. 


The clean and fresh aroma will provide a calm atmosphere, which can aid in relaxation and falling asleep. Alternatively, wooden diffusers are another great solution for gentle and non-invasive diffusion, especially in shared spaces.

Pictures of Bags of dry flowers of Lavender from Pixabay.com
Bags of dry flowers of Lavender from Pixabay.com

The essential oil of Lavender can also be used as a mosquito repellent. Making a spray with aromatic oils can help prevent these insects from ruining your night.

You can find

  • how to do a spray in this article here (paragraph 4).
  • ideas of of spray in this blog article here.

Insect Repellant DIY recipe as a bonus

Use a dark glass bottle with a spray attachment for this recipe. For indoor use, find a fine mist sprayer. If you want to use it outdoors, find one with a larger spray nozzle

Mix together the following:

  • 4 oz. of vodka or grain alcohol (higher is the % of alcohol, better is the dispsersion of the oils)
  • 30 drops of True lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops Lemon eucalyptus essential oil
  • 15 drops Lemongrass essential oil.

Recipe adapted from www.diffuseressentials.com

Do not drink (alcohol is not always good;)), do not spray on eyes or on open wounds. Do not let children play with this spray (because of the oils and because of the alcohol)

3.2 Lavender oil topically


True Lavender does wonders for the skin, especially if you have been outside. For a simple application, mix one or two drops of essential oil of True lavender into the cream that you normally use for your skin. 


The special properties of the lavender will help your skin to regenerate and its scent leaves a fresh and nice perfume in its wake.


Lavender not only deters mosquitoes but also helps relieve mosquito bites. If you or your children have been bitten (and are over the age of 3 years), you can apply a drop of True lavender oil directly to the bite to calm the itch.

Picture of Massage from Pixabay.com
Picture from Pixabay.com

3.3 In massage for relaxation

Say, you may have been out gardening while you got those mosquito bites, and your muscles are sore. 

True lavender is also a muscle relaxant.


Simply mix the essence of lavender with vegetable oil (like arnica or jojoba at around 15 % lavender to carrier oil). Apply this mixture through massage to the sore area.


If you need help with determining dilution, visit my website, where you can find a dilution calculator that will help you to get the right amount of essential oil to the mix (here).

4. Conclusion

The ideas I have presented here are really just a drop in the ocean regarding the uses of true lavender.

With the recipes given in this article, you have a good vision of the versatility of essential oil of True Lavender.


Find articles about the other oils of "Lavender"

  • Spike Lavender
  • Lavendin


Be safe, be essential!

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I do not pretend or want to replace any medical judgment or prescription. All the information within this post is intended to be informative! Please, always use essential oils carefully and with respect. In case of doubt, always ask a medical professional first. 


If you have any questions or remarks about the pictures and credits, feel free to send an email to info@apres-you.com.

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